Priyanka Chopra is the famous Bollywood and Hollywood actress. She got married to American singing sensation and actor Nick Jonas on December 2 and 3 following Christian and Hindu traditional wedding ceremonies. She is continuously in headlines after her marriage. Now her recent statement is also grabbing all the attention.
Priyanka Chopra reveals she enjoys sexting with her pop-singer husband Nick Jonas when they are not together physically. She also said that they like to share sensuous pictures with each other to keep the spark alive when their work keeps them stay apart.
On a popular chat show Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, Priyanka Chopra that she believed in sexting or FaceTime sex while she stays aways from husband Nick Jonas due to work commitments. On asking which of Nick’s famous brothers got them the best gift on their wedding. She replied: “Well the good thing is, Kevin got us hundreds of bottles of wine, and Joe got us an amazing fridge which looks like a car to put it all in.” Meanwhile, Priyanka previously revealed the key to a long-lasting relationship is “trust” and “respect”.
To let you know, Priyanka is 10 years older than her husband. She is 36 whereas Nick is 26 years old. They many times get trolled for their age gap but the couple is staying strong in their relationship.