Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra got married to Nick Jonas on December 2 and 3 according to Hindu and Christian wedding traditions. They tied the knot in a grand affair at Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur. After that, the couple threw a reception in Delhi where many big celebrities graced the event.
Priyanka and Nick then went to Oman for their honeymoon. After celebrating their honeymoon in Oman, the couple returned to the country and were spotted at Mumbai airport. Priyanka Chopra was looking immensely hot. She wore a skin-tight pink-colored top with one arm.
She was looking absolutely gorgeous and hot. After attending Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal’s ‘Sangeet’ function, the couple headed for their honeymoon. Priyanka also shared some photos on Instagram. On the work front, Priyanka is busy in the shoot of her upcoming film The Sky is Pink starring Farhan Akhtar and Dangal fame Zaira Wasim also.