Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas has turned 41 on Tuesday. Wishes has poured in for the actor who is ruling the world with her grace, talent and beauty. She was blessed with a best wishes from fans, friends and family. Here’s a quick look of the heartfelt birthday wishes for Priyanka.
Priyanka’s cousin, Parineeti Chopra shared a special picture on her Instagram stories with Priyanka and wrote, “Happiest birthday Mimi didi. Thank you for everything you do. I love you.”
Parineeti’s message for Priyanka
Priyanka’s mother, Dr Madhu Chopra also wished her on her special day, “Happy Birthday Pri.” She also posted a video montage of several pictures, captioned as “Happy Birthday to the bold & gorgeous @priyankachopra.”
Kareena Kapoor Khan too posted a throwback picture of her with Priyanka on her Instagram stories and wished her the best.
Kareena Kapoor also wished Priyanka Chopra on birthday.
Anushka Sharma also wished the actor by posting a glamour filled picture of her on Instagram stories, she wrote, “Wishing you love and light always.”Anushka Sharma greeted Priyanka Chopra with best wishes on her birthday.
Priyanka’s manager, Anjula Acharia wrote a heartfelt message for her, “In the realm of lights and fame, A star with an enchanting name, Priyanka, dear friend, it’s your special day, A celebration of you in every way. From auditions and contracts to red carpets so grand, We’ve navigated the Hollywood entertainment land. Through glitz and glamour, we’ve stood tall, Side by side, conquering it all. From business talks to midnight chats, We’ve shared secrets, both serious and the littlest of facts. In laughter and whispers, we’ve built trust, A bond so strong, it’s truly robust!”
She further added, “Here’s to you, Priyanka, with a soulful, witty mind, Your charisma and humour, always one of a kind. Through triumphs and challenges, laughter and tears, Our bond deepens with each passing year. Your talent shines, a beacon bright, Guiding us through each thrilling night. So, on this special day, let’s raise a toast to the star we treasure the most. To more adventures, laughter, and glee. May your dreams soar high, wild, and free. Happy Birthday, dear Priyanka, my friend. May this year bring you joy without an end!”