Bollywood Queen Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli Chandel’s luxurious home is almost ready in the plains of Himalayas. Kangana Ranaut is very close to her sister Rangoli Chandel. Rangoli Chandel is also her manager. The special thing is that Kangana Ranaut has helped in designing this house. So let us show you some pictures of Rangoli’s house here.
Kangana kept a small puja to welcome Rangoli’s son ‘Prithvi‘ to the house. To make this day special, Kangana also arranged for sweet dish offerings.
Kangana has chosen the interior as per the choice of her sister Rangoli and has done the designing herself.
Rangoli said: “When she asked me what kind of interior I like, I said that I don’t like torn, worn-out or old-looking stuff, I don’t know what I really like, but I like new things I like to watch What I wished was outside her comfort zone, she continued to work on it and today I was stunned when I saw her giving the finishing touch. I will say the same thing, it is not just a house for me, it is heaven, a blessing. ”
Also, read Kangana’s Sister Rangoli Shared Inside Photo Of Her New Home