Ranbir Kapoor has given many critically-acclaimed box office hits in his 15-year-long career. The actor has even delivered some flops. In any case, he said does not regret any of his roles or failures, and would not want to shield his children from them. Ranbir and Alia Bhatt are expecting their first baby together. Alia made the announcement on her Instagram account in June.
In a recent interaction, Ranbir expressed excitement and nervousness about becoming a dad, and uncovered how he is going to talk about movies with his children. During the interaction, the actor likewise uncovered that his and Alia Bhatt’s children will be addressing him as ‘papa’.
Talking about his feelings as he gets ready to become a parent for the first time, Ranbir told PTI, “I am feeling grateful, excited, nervous and terrified. Because I have so many expectations of myself and of this relationship and what I want from it and what I want to give… These are the only adjectives I can use.”
He also said, “I am always conscious because I know society gets impacted by it. I will not do anything to belittle anyone or anybody for the sake of entertainment. That’s my personality. I don’t regret or (feel) ashamed of any film that I have done. I don’t think there is any film that I would like to shield them (children) from. I believe failures are as important as successes. I would like to hear from them say that ‘papa, that was such a bad film’ and probably laugh with them or ‘papa that was so much fun’ and feel very happy about it.”
Shamshera, which also features Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor is scheduled for theatrical release on July 22.