While ago a there was news that Kangana’s sister Rangoli Chandel’s Twitter account has been suspended. There are reports that Rangoli got warnings from Twitter, but she still kept on posting her tweets and comments.
According to a recent report, Singer Sona Mohapatra has come forward openly in defense of Rangoli Chandel. Sona was quite displeased with this. She said Chandel’s Twitter account should not have been suspended. Soon after she defended Rangoli she was trolled on social media. Sona Lashing out at the opponents said that she did not need a ‘character certificate’ from a Twitter user. She said that everyone has the right to express their opinion. Let’s check out what she said on Twitter.
Let us tell you that after Rangoli’s account suspended netizens and celebrities were happy. Since she often speaks openly on many topics Rangoli is always on target.
Also, read , Twitter Suspends Rangoli Chandel’s Account