Renowned performer Rani Mukerji will conduct a masterclass as part of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) to discuss her extraordinary career in film and to share her ideas and experiences. In films like Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat, Hum Tum, Black, Hichki, and Mardaani, she played some of the most unforgettable parts.
On August 10, the event is scheduled to take place at Melbourne’s famed Immigration Museum. The setting was selected as a nod to Mukerji’s most recent film, Mrs. Chatterjee Vs. Norway, which depicts the tale of an Indian immigrant mother who battles the Norwegian foster care system and legal procedures after losing custody of her children.
Sharing her excitement for the film festival, she averred, “I’m honoured to have been invited to the 14th Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. As an actor, I have been fortunate enough to receive incredible love from people in Australia and I’m looking forward to sharing my journey in Indian cinema through a masterclass that I have been invited to conduct.”
She identified it as a “beautiful experience to connect with fans and cinephile” and adds, “I’m ready to delve into some of the most memorable characters from my filmography and try to peel off layers of emotions and nostalgia attached to those characters and scenes.
“I’m humbled that the film festival feels such roles and films have had an everlasting impact in the history of Indian cinema and that they should be discussed with audiences, fans and media in Australia,” she wraps up.