Queen of hearts, actor Rani Mukherji is back with a new film Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway, the first look of which have been launched by the makers. Rani is seen draped in a vibrant yellow saree, performing the Sraraswati Puja rituals with her tiny tots. She is seen clicking selfie with her children celebrating the festive spirit. The makers stated that the film will be out in theatres on March 17, the makers said Thursday.
The film helmed by Mere Dad Ki Maruti fame director Ashima Chibber was earlier set to hit the theaters on March 3.
Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway is bankrolled by Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani under the banner Emmay Entertainment and Zee Studios.
“On the auspicious occasion of Saraswati Puja, here’s an exclusive still from #MrsChatterjeeVsNorway, now releasing on 17th March 2023. Get ready to witness a woman’s resolve to fight against all odds & take on a country to protect her children at all costs,” Zee Studios mentioned in an Instagram post.
The studio also shared a still of Mukerji from the upcoming film.
Stated as an untold story of a mother whose journey follows a battle against the country, a film based on a true incident that shook human rights at global level to the core. Rani Mukherjee was last in a big budget film of Yash Raj Films’ Bunty Aur Babli 2 in 2021.