A makeup photo of an overnight internet sensation whose talent was looked by music composer Himesh Reshammiya. Ranu Mondal is becoming very viral on social media. This photo is of an event where he also did a ramp walk. Seeing this style of Ranu Mondal, everyone present there was surprised but now Ranu Mondal is facing trolls for her makeup and style. People are also surprised to see this look of Ranu and also making fun of their makeup while some bashed the makeup artist for overdoing her makeup.
Ranu Mondal arrived in a beauty parlor program in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Here her makeup was done by the makeup artist. But the moment Ranu appeared with her makeup looks people started making fun of Ranu. In the picture that went viral on social media, are getting absurd comments like ‘Dangerous looking Ranu Mondal’, while someone commented, ‘Happy belated Halloween’.However, some people also said that Ranu’s picture has been photoshopped.
Recently, Ranu Mondal also came into the limelight for not giving selfie to a fan and misbehaving with her and now she is been trolled for her heavy makeup looks. The videos of Ranu Mondal is also getting viral let’s have a sneak peek: