Bigg Boss 13 is over, but contestants are still being questioned about the show. Now recently Rashmi Desai was asked about the victory of Siddharth Shukla. Rashmi said, I have seen Siddharth’s journeys, I can say that he has done well. But if I talk about deserving, then Asim Riaz is more deserving in my eyes. By the way, I was also watching myself winning the show, but fell behind in the end. I don’t question Siddharth’s win, but Asim’s growth has been the best in the show.
When Rashmi was asked that why everyone is telling Siddharth as a fixed winner. She said, ‘Everything used to depend on the audience. The audience made him a winner of the show, what they felt they did.
Siddharth gave this statement on being called a fixed winner …
Siddharth said in an interview, ‘It is very sad that people think this way. What can you react to such things? I have hardly won this award and then I feel sad if anyone questions it. I feel sorry for those who call it a fix. Siddharth said, “If you have followed season 13, you will know that it was not easy for me to reach here.”