Bollywood actress and Bigg Boss 6 contestant Sana Khan has decided to leave the film industry. Sana has given this information through social media. She wrote in his post that ‘Brothers and sisters … Today I am talking to you at an important point in my life. I have been living the life of show biz for years and during this time I got all kind of fame, respect and wealth from my loved ones. For which I am thankful to them.’
Sana Khan released posts in Hindi, Urdu and English language on her Twitter and Instagram. She further wrote in this post, ”But, for the last few days, a thought has kept me occupied. I have been wondering, does one take birth only to earn wealth and fame for oneself? Isn’t it a moral responsibility of humans to serve or support those who are helpless or needy? Shouldn’t people think about what will happen to them in the after-life since one can die at any given time?”
“I have been finding answers to these question for a very long time, especially the second question about what will happen to me in my after-life. When I looked for answers to these questions in my religion, I found out that we take birth in this worldly life to make our after-life better in many ways. And it will only be better when one leads his/her life according to the commandments of his/her creator, and does not make money and fame their only objective in life. Instead, one should stay away from the world of sin and serve humanity, walk in the direction and path laid down by his/her creator,” she added.
Sana continued, “This is the reason why today I declare that I have resolved to renounce this showbiz (film industry) and wish to serve humanity and follow the orders of my creator.”
“All brothers and sisters are requested to pray for me to Allah to accept my repentance and grant me the true ability to live in accordance with my determination of spending my life following the commandments of my Creator and in the service of humanity and grant me perseverance. Finally, all brothers and sisters are requested to not contact me with regards to any showbiz-related work or invite me for any industry-related events henceforth,” Sana concluded.
Born in 1988 in Mumbai, Sana Khan started her career with advertising films. Apart from Hindi, she has done films in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam languages. Sana Khan debuted in the year 2005 with the low-budget film ‘Yahi Hai High Society’. She gave a special appearance in the film ‘Bombay to Goa’, ‘Dhan Dhana Dhan Gol’. In 2014, Sana appeared in Salman Khan’s film ‘Jai Ho’. After this, she did the films ‘Wajah Tum Ho’ and ‘Toilet Ek Prem Katha’.
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