Retail inflation concerning industrial workers have relaxed a bit by 5.09 per cent in April from 5.79 per cent in March the ongoing year in due accordance to the lower rate or certain food commodities.“
Year-on-year inflation for the month stood at 5.09 per cent compared to 5.79 per cent for the previous month and 6.33 per cent during the corresponding month a year before,” a labour ministry statement read.
In a similar vein, it reported that food inflation was 4.16 percent, down from 5.02 percent in the previous month and 7.05 percent in the same month last year.Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for All of India rose 0.9 points in April 2023 to reach 134.2 points.
In March 2023, it was 133.3.The Food & Beverages group exerted the greatest upward impact on the current index, yielding 0.39 percentage points to the overall change.The index has increased as a result of the items rice, arhar dal, apple, banana, orange, cauliflower, brinjal, cabbage, ginger, peas, dairy milk, french bean, lemon, cumin seed/jira, dried chillies, cooked meal, poultry chicken, ladies suits, etc.
Wheat Atta, Tomato, Onion, Drum Stick, Lady’s Finger, Mango, Soybean Oil, Sunflower Oil, Mustard Oil, Egg-Hen, Domestic Electricity, Firewood and Chips, etc. exerted negative pressure on the index, substantially preventing this gain.
On the basis of retail prices gathered from 317 markets dispersed across 88 industrially significant centres nationwide, the Labour Bureau has been calculating the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers every month.
The index, which is created for 88 centres as well as All-India, is released on the final working day of the next month.