SSR’s father KK Singh lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty in connection with the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. ‘Jalebi’ actress Rhea was in a relationship with the actor for the past one year. Sushant’s father has filed many serious allegations against Rhea Chakraborty while filing a complaint. According to DNA website report, after all these allegations, it is reported that Rhea Chakraborty is likely to file for Interim bail. The actress met her lawyer last night after the FIR was registered. Rhea’s lawyer Anandini Fernandes was last seen walking out of Chakraborty’s house after three hours of discussion.
A case has been registered against Rhea under various sections of IPC. It includes sections 341, 342, 380, 406, 420 and 306. KK Singh has accused the actress that she befriended her son in May 2019 last year and used his contacts to move forward in her career. He has also alleged that Riya was assisted by her family as they were looking at his property.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s father also alleged that the actress visited Sushant’s house on June 6 and took several of things including cash, her laptop, ATM card and other important documents. Sushant’s father has registered the case with the Bihar Police. Bihar Police has sent 4 police officers to Mumbai to investigate the matter. It is being told that today the Bihar Police can demand the documents of the investigation conducted by the Mumbai Police.