TV actress Riya Bhattacharje, who was seen portraying the character of Akriti in Kabhi Ittefaq Sey, had grabbed the headlines a couple of days back after she talked about the online hate she had been getting for portraying the negative character in the show. Presently, News18 Showsha has discovered that the actress has been approached for the 16th season of the Salman Khan hosted reality show, Bigg Boss.
As per, the sources affirmed that the TV star, who has likewise been a part of shows like Ishq Mein Marjawaan 2, has been approached to be a part of Bigg Boss 16. “Riya, who became popular as Akriti Saxena, has been approached to join the 16th season of Bigg Boss. However, she is yet to give her nod,” the source said.
Akriti had as of late talked about the online hate she had been getting for portraying her role. She had uncovered that she would be abused and receive bad messages on social media. A few fans of the show would even go so far as to say why she doesn’t die. In any case, individuals soon started to dissociate her from her on-screen character, and things got better for her.
The actress had been associated with Colors TV with her stint in Ishq Mein Marjawaan 2. Presently, with Kabhi Ittefaq Se going off air, Riya could possibly give time to the Salman Khan hosted show.