The CW decided that “Batwoman” still cannot do without Kate Kane, but not return Ruby Rose for this . The actress, as we remember, left the series on her own initiative, rethinking her life (according to the unofficial version, she was shown at the door when she became especially unbearable). But now, in addition to the hot new superheroine performed by Javisia Leslie, we have a spectacular Wallis Day ( “Krypton” , “The Royals”), which will replace Rose.

The dramatic changes in the appearance of the heroine are explained in a soapy way: Kate Kate had an accident and is now unrecognizable due to her injuries. She no longer pretends to laurels and the Batwoman costume, so it is no longer necessary to be a lesbian.
Day herself, of course, does not understand where she got incredibly happy with the opportunity:
I’m incredibly happy to announce that I have joined the cast of Batwoman. I’m sure you can imagine how much this means to me and how amazing it is to work on the series. Everyone made sure I feel at home and it’s incredible to be back with my DC family again.