It’s been ten years since ‘ The Green Lantern ‘ hit theaters and since then its protagonist Ryan Reynolds has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the film’s end result , which would be his first role in a major franchise before starring in “ Deadpool ”.
Recently, the actor joked on social media to prepare to see the film in its entirety for the first time, revealing that, despite everything, he still retains the ring that gave his character his powers, Hall Jordan , being one of the few true props built for the film.
Reynolds shared a video of himself with a gin drink (the same one he advertised in previous posts on the same day), when he picked up the glass, he shows he’s wearing the ring, accompanying the publication of a more detailed photograph of The Object.
One of the biggest reviews the film received was the costume the protagonist wore, which was fully animated with CGI. Although this is a common technique in the industry, the truth is that the effects of this era did not help much in the aesthetics of the character, giving him a great sense of lying.
The first decade of the 2000s is when the superhero movie still trying to define itself as the one who could be taken seriously, the main example being the trilogy Man bat Directed by Christopher Nolan. Marvel Studios was a distant dream and bands like ” Hombre de Hierro ” And The Incredible Hulk “began to capture the attention of the public.
Save The Green Lantern disappointed fans of the original comic book with the lack of depth of plot presented in Jordan’s stories , when unknown audiences didn’t think the character was presented in a sufficiently engaging way to warrant a sequel.