” Sab Kushal Mangal,” will hit the screens in January next year. The movie slated to release on January, 3 will be featuring actors Akshaye Khanna, Priyaank Sharma son of actress Padmini Kolhapure and Riva Kishan daughter of actor Ravi Kishan
The story is of Jharkhand. A news anchor is a boy who loves a girl. But at the same time, a local Bahubali also falls in love with the girl. Bahubali’s problem is that he is around 40-50 years old. ‘Sab Kushal Mangal’ is being directed by Prachi Manmohan. The first production venture of Prachi Manmohan, Nitin Manmohan’s daughter. Talking about Akshaye Khanna, after doing serious films like ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’ and ‘Section 375’, he will now appear in a comedy film.
The trailer of the film ‘Sab Kushal Mangal’ has been released. The makers of the film promise it to be quirky, crazy and romantic . Enjoy the trailer below:
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