Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan celebrated Raksha Bandhan with their cousin Inaaya Naumi Kemmu- – daughter of Soha Ali Khan and actor Kunal Kemmu. Soha took to her Instagram handle on Thursday to post photos of herself to her brother Saif as they celebrated the festival together. She likewise posted glimpses of how their children marked the occasion.
Soha Ali Khan posted a couple of photos from their Raksha Bandhan celebrations, and penned, “Happy Rakshabandhan boys and girls.” The first photo showed her in a black outfit and Saif in a white kurta with rakhi tied to his wrist. The next photo featured Inaaya putting tilak on Jeh’s forehead as Saif held the toddler’s head and arm.
Taimur Ali Khan was likewise in the image, with his fingers in his mouth as he glanced another way. Both Taimur and Jeh were wearing pink kurtas for the festival. In another image, Inaaya and Taimur played with one another. In the next one, the two of them had changed their outfits as she tied him rakhi.
Previously in the day, Inaaya had celebrated Raksha Bandhan by tying rakhi to her household staff. In the mean time, Sara Ali Khan wished her brothers Ibrahim Ali Khan, and Taimur and Jeh on the festival by posting photos of them together. She likewise shared a sweet note for her three brothers and called them her ‘darling boys.’