Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic sea-facing bungalow in Bandra has turned into a hub for his fans to visit every now and then. Be it birthday events or Eid celebrations, the superstar appearance in the balcony, waving at fans. In a new interaction, SRK’s neighbor, Salman Khan uncovered that he was offered to buy the bungalow years ago however had turned down the same.
Salman Khan told a news portal that the lavish mansion was on sale and he had got an offer to buy it. Around then he was just starting off in the industry and his dad, Salim Khan wondered what Salman would do in such a huge house. Salman didn’t take up the deal and Shah Rukh Khan wound up making Mannat his lavish house. Salman reportedly told journalist Faridoon Shahryar that he wanted to ask Shah Rukh Khan what he does in such a huge house. Mannat has six stories with a wide open space at the entrance. Gauri Khan has designed the interiors of the plush mansion which is reportedly said to be worth Rs 200 crore currently. Shah Rukh Khan is famous to host lavish parties at his bungalow.
On the professional front, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are all set to reunite on the big screen. Salman has shot for a cameo in SRK’s forthcoming movie ‘Pathaan’.