Recently one of Salman Khan’s team members received threats via email on Saturday night, and thereafter Mumbai police have tightened security surrounding the actor. The actor’s close acquaintance has also filed a case under IPC sections 506(2), 120(b), and 34 against mobster Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar, and another person at the Bandra Police Station in connection with the same, alleging that they threatened the actor.
News Agency ANI mentioned on Twitter, “Mumbai Police beefs up security outside actor Salman Khan’s house after he received threats by email, Bandra Police registered a case under sections 506(2),120(b) & 34 of IPC. Earlier on Saturday, Mumbai Police booked jailed gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldie Brar & Rohit Garg for allegedly sending threatening emails to actor Salman Khan’s office.”
According to reports, Rohit Garg sent the email, which stated that Canadian gangster Goldy Brar wanted to speak with Salman Khan in person. It also appeared to link to gangster Bishnoi’s recent interview in which he declared that killing Salman was his life’s ambition.
Police have also detained Lawrence and Goldy in connection with the incident. Lawrence, who is currently detained in Tihar, had before warned Salman to accept responsibility or prepare for the worst. He claimed that the actor’s death of a blackbuck has degraded his village in an interview with ABP. Salman received a five-year prison sentence after being accused of killing blackbucks in Rajasthan while filming Hum Saath Saath Hain.