Film actress Sameera Reddy has shared a video on social media. In this, she can be seen speaking out on her handling of children amidst the 21 days of lock-downs across the country. While she is doing so Tears are flowing from their eyes.
Actress Sameera Reddy has shot videos on how to handle anxiety among children amidst complete lockout. She has posted an emotional video about the mental health of children in the current scenario amid the outbreak of Coronavirus. She talked about the symptoms of anxiety in children and has also shared many tips for mothers to deal with the situation.
Sameera further said, ‘It is very disappointing. You want to make children feel safe, you want to give them love. So what can we do? Samira says, ‘I have indicated a deep concern about children on this post. Please check it out. Even if your child is still young and impatient and cannot handle it, talk and stay with them. Make them feel safe.
Samira shared the video on Instagram and wrote children are finding it difficult to handle this situation. It makes me sad. It is becoming harder to concentrate due to deep anxiety Sleeplessness or nightmares in children. Not eating food properly. Constantly getting angry or irritable and being out of control. It is a good thing to keep them busy and talk to them and tell them honestly about the situation. Make them feel safe. With lots of patience. #staysafe #stayhome #mentalhealth #children #lock .’
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