Actor Sanjay Dutt, who was most recently seen in ‘KGF: Chapter 2’ with actor Yash, has remembered his dad Sunil Dutt on his birth anniversary. He took to his Instagram account and shared a special moment with him from their movie ‘Munna Bhai MBBS’.
Sanju posted on his Instagram account. In the image, the father-son duo is seen sharing an emotional moment. The scene is from the Rajkumar Hirani directorial they are seen enjoying their ‘jaddu ki jhappi; moment.
Alongside the pic, the actor wrote a sweet note remembering his father. Sanjay penned, “Your belief and love helped make me who I am today. You were, are and will always be my hero. Happy birthday, Dad ❤️.” Have a look:
Not long after he shared the picture, his best friend Paresh Ghelani commented, ” He was and always will be the example of what a man of integrity should be!! Forever in our hearts !!! Happy birthday Duttsaab !! ❤️❤️” Even fans were seen wishing the veteran actor.