A few days ago it was revealed that director Anand L Rai would make a film with Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. Akshay Kumar will also make a debut in the film. But the film has not been announced yet. However, a new update of the film has been revealed. According to Pinkvilla’s report, the film will be titled ‘Atrangi Re‘.
A source told in the report, Sara will have a main role in the film. A few days ago, Sara was spotted at the Rai’s office. They were talking about two films. Sara, who likes Rai’s films, liked this project very much. Meanwhile, the Shooting of this film will also start soon.
By the way, Sara will be seen with Karthik Aryan in the film Love Aaj Kal. The film is directed by Imtiaz Ali and will be released on 14 February 2020. Apart from this, Sara will also appear in the film Coolie No. 1 with Varun Dhawan. While the audience had last seen Sara in the movie Simba with Ranveer Singh and the film did well at the box office as well.