The chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan has been revived again after a picture went online recently. The picture has been shared by ace choreographer Shiamak Davar in his Instagram account, featuring the superstars who are posing for the camera during a rehearsal.
Shah Rukh is seen in a grey shirt, baggy pants paired with a bandana printed dupatta while Salman chose a casual look with a grey t-shirt and denim pants.
Posting the picture, Shiamak Davar wrote, “It’s truly amazing to meet the two biggest superstars of Bollywood. I remember when @iamsrk launched me for Dil Toh Pagal Hai, for which I’m truly and eternally grateful to this day, and now seeing him absolutely slay it on the big screen with Pathaan. And how can we forget about the other megastar in the room, @beingsalmankhan who adds absolute value and entertainment with his alluring presence. Wishing these two legends all the best for their future endeavours.”
Reacting to it, a fan wrote, “How awesome 3 legends together. Would love to seeing them working together.” “Indeed they are only superstars,” added another fan. A comment read, “3 legends in one frame.”
Mentioning the reuniting with Shah Rukh on the pan-India screen, Salman stated news agency ANI that, “For Shah Rukh and I to come together on the big screen, it always needed a special film and I’m glad Pathaan is that film. When we did Karan Arjun, it was a blockbuster and now, Pathaan, which is part of YRF’s Spy Universe, has also turned out to be a blockbuster. I’m aware that audiences love to see us together on screen and I’m happy that they have given us so much love in Pathaan. I was floored when Adi narrated the sequence to me and told me about his vision to bring us together on screen again.”