Bollywood’s King Shah Rukh Khan is a big fan of Shakira, the actor’s tweet has made it clear. Recently, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez appeared together in the Superbowl halftime. During this, pop queens Shakira and Jennifer Lopez created a furor on the stage. Thousands of fans gathered for their dance and singing. Their videos during the show went viral on social media, now King of Romance Shah Rukh Khan has tweeted a tweet from his Twitter handle regarding Shakira’s performance.
Shah Rukh Khan wrote from his Twitter handle, “So wonderful, so hard working so absolutely entertaining. My all-time favorite.” People are commenting a lot on Shahrukh Khan’s tweet and also giving their feedback. Shakira and Jennifer Lopez performed at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami and around 65,000 spectators were present there.
Shakira performed very brilliantly on her super hit songs ‘She Wolf‘ and ‘Wherever‘. This performance of Shakira and Jennifer Lopez will be remembered for a long time because it was so amazing. At the same time, talking about Shah Rukh Khan, he is currently away from the acting world and the actor has not announced any film yet.
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