Shah Rukh Khan was away from big screen for some time. He was last seen in the film zero(2018). But now Bollywood Badshah announced the good news to his fans. Khan will soon be seen in his next directorial film with Raj-DK.
Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan‘s fans have long been eager to know about his new project. Shahrukh has not appeared in any film since the film ‘Zero’ nor announced any new project. At the same time, his film ‘Zero’ could not do anything special. However, the king had high expectations for this film. For this reason, he took a long from the screen. Now the big news is coming for the fans of King Khan. According to a report, Shah Rukh has liked a script and can start shooting for it in mid-2020.
Shah Rukh Khan has liked a script by directors Rajanidhi Moru and Krishna DK, as reported in the Times of India. And he had this script long back. Both the directors wanted to cast Shahrukh in this film. When they told the story to Shahrukh, he also got impressed and immediately agreed to it. At the same time, the wait is just for the shooting of the film.
According to the news, this film can go on the floor in the middle of this year. Both the directors have also said that they have left it to Shahrukh to declare the date for the shoot. Talking bout directors, ‘Raj’ and ‘DK‘ always direct every film together. The pair of these two have previously made films like ‘Stree’, ‘Shore in the City’, ‘Go Goa Gone‘. And now Shah Rukh is ready to work with this director duo.