Bigg Boss fame actress Shehnaz Gill’s father, Santokh Singh Sukh who has reportedly joined BJP few days back have received death threat from an anonymous caller. The call has been traced to be a foreign number wherein the dialer has been suspected to be some young boys who allegedly threatene to kill Sukh before Diwali. This call was received by Gill’s father while he was on his way from Beas to Tarantan. The caller abused Sukh and thereafter disconnected with a stern remark to encroach his house and kill him before Diwali. A complaint has been filed in the police station regarding this unknown call.
Days after Sukh joined the Bhartiya Janata Party in 2021, several attempts have been initiated to kill him. On 25 December 2021, Sukh was allegedly attacked by two assailants who belong to Amritsar, as investigated by the police. Another instance happened days later when he was able to nearly survive the sudden attack made by some armed people riding a frenzied bike. The mishap happened when Sukh stoped by a Dhaba in Jandiala Guru, as his gunman wanted to use the restroom.
Shehnaaz, on the other hand, has not come out openly about this instance. She is an upcoming face in the television industry and has gain accolades for her phenomenal acting skills. She is expected to make her Bollywood debut featuring superstar Salman Khan in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan movie, which will hit the cinemas late December, this year.