With superhit films like “Saaho” and “Chhichhore”, the year has been extremely special for Shraddha Kapoor. At the same time, Shraddha is recently seen on the cover of a Leading Magazine Cosmopolitan winning her heart once again with her beautiful performances. Shraddha Kapoor is known for her fashion sense in the industry and Shraddha has redefined her beauty with the same color top and pants on the cover. Shraddha completed her look with simple makeup and open hair. Shraddha is known for attracting attention with her fashion look and is known for her classy and comfortable look. This year is not even over, and the actress has flown to Serbia for the shoot of “Baaghi 3” in which she will be seen in an action avatar.
Shraddha will soon be seen in Remo D’Souza’s “Street Dancer 3D” in which she will again be seen on the big screen with ABCD 2 co-star Varun Dhawan. At the moment, he is busy shooting for “Baaghi 3” with Tiger Shroff. There is no doubt that with these two big films, Shraddha will once again do wonders at the box office.