Sidharth Malhotra now lives in a luxurious flat in Bandra, all thanks to his hard work of becoming a popular Bollywood actor. But during his struggling days, he used to share a tiny one-and-a-half-bedroom apartment with two others.
During the popular chat show Koffee With Karan, Sidharth’s former flatmate Adhiraj Seemar had spilled the beans about his past struggling period. He revealed that Sidharth used to cover up his floor-length window with paintings whenever he brought a woman home. He said,
“One night, he (Sidharth) comes home late. I heard a knock on my door. He said, ‘Bro, can I borrow your paintings and pictures?’ In the morning, I came to know that he wanted the paintings to cover his window because he came home with somebody that night. He was very embarrassed. He was like, ‘Bro, when I get my own house, the first thing I’m going to get are curtains.'”
Sidharth said that he probably could not afford curtains at the time and so, he used to cover the window with paintings and pictures. He also revealed that his flatmates would prank him by hiding the paintings every time he would bring someone home. He said that,
“Every time I used to tell these guys, ‘Achcha, listen, I’m coming back home. Just clean up.’ I used to keep that painting by the window. It was a massive one. Just because I called them, they used to make sure to hide the paintings,” the actor revealed.
Professionally, Sidharth will appear next in Prashant Singh’s Jabariya Jodi, along with Parineeti Chopra.
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