BJP chief and Union Minister Smriti Irani attacked Deepika after actress reached JNU amidst protesting the college students. The Union Minister stated in a program that I wish to know who she is politically connected to.
There have been controversies after actress Deepika Padukone went to Jawaharlal Nehru University. After her JNU visit, people have stood up in her favor but some are in opposition. On the one hand, where some people are praising her other hand many people are calling this stand wrong. On social media too, tweets are constantly being tweeted about Deepika Padukone. Meanwhile, Union Minister and former TV actress Smriti Irani have also reacted to Deepika Padukone’s visit.
Smriti Irani has targeted Deepika Padukone with her response. Irani said, “I think that anybody who has read the news knew where you are going to stand… knew that you are standing with people who celebrate every time a CRPF jawan is killed.” Irani said that she stood next to people who will beat up other girls who don’t see eye-to-eye ideologically in private parts. Smriti stated that “Deepika said in 2011 that she supports the Congress party,” the Union Minister said. “It’s her right to stand next to people who say Bharat tere tukde honge.”
In response to this Deepika gave her reaction by saying “As an individual, she has made a personal choice to express solidarity with JNU students and it has nothing to do with the brand.”
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