Many people spend most of their day online, so why not make good use of that time? We have shared some of the most interesting Internet resources that will be useful to any user. With the help of these sites, you can find out the Wi-Fi passwords of all airports, and what’s going on in the world. So scroll down to know.
Wi-Fi passwords for all airports and lounges
With Wireless Passwords From Airpot And Lounges Around The World you can no longer get bored in the airport lounge. Select your location on the map, and the program will give you a password for the local Wi-Fi.
Compare living standards in different countries
If you are planning to move, it is advised to familiarize yourself with the “cost of living” in the selected city or country in advance. Website Num-beo allows you to compare the cost of goods and services, crime, pollution, the quality of medical care, transportation system, real estate prices, and more.
Check if your mails attacked by malicious users
Visit have I been pwned to see if your accounts have been attacked by malicious users. To do this, just enter your email address in a special line.
Know how many people are there in space
Are you wondering how many people are at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the Earth? The website How Many People Are In Space Right Now will tell about this , which will also share information about astronauts and their time in space.
See the movement of planes
The Flight Radar 24 website allows you to monitor the movement of all aircraft online. By clicking on the image of a small yellow plane on the map, you will receive complete information about a specific flight.
Guess where you are
Geo Guessr, is not just a satellite map, it is an addicting game in which you have to guess your location. The service randomly “throws” you anywhere in the world, and moving around the surrounding area using the arrows, you must determine where you are.
Know about interesting events
The site You’re getting older will tell you what interesting events have happened since your birth.
Also, read Real Shots That Will Make You Feel As If They Are Taken From Horror Movie