The trailer much-anticipated film The Accidental Prime Minister’s trailer has released and as it was expected, it already created a buzz. This is a biopic based on former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s 10-year tenure. Just days before its release, it sparked controversies with Congress denouncing it as a propaganda effort and BJP saying the main opposition was being duplicitous in running down the film.
The film is based on the eponymous book by Manmohan Singh’s former media advisor Sanjaya Baru. The trailer of the film was launched on December 27, 2018. And after its launch, it instantly caused a stir on social media. It showed scenes in which the soft-spoken former prime minister appeared to be under pressure from his party, especially then Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and her son and successor to the post, Rahul Gandhi.
If you are eager to know who is playing who in the film, here’s a video for you. Watch it below:
Earlier, the trailer of the film was shared by BJP on Twitter, and it prompted jokes from the Congress and other parties who said the BJP was acting like a “promotional partner” for the film.
Well, to let you know, the film is set to release on January 11, 2019.