Kanchana 3 is expected to rule the box office after its release on April 19. Actress Vedhika, who plays the lead in Kanchana 3, the fourth film in the widely popular Muni franchise, has poured her heart out for the movie and the makers in her recent interview.
Talking to IANS about the movie, Vedhika said, “With Kanchana 3, I got an opportunity to do something really commercial and I didn’t want to miss it. It’s a film very close to my heart. I gave the most call sheets to this movie. I shot for 70 days but I never realized how time flew. We were having so much fun shooting that it felt like I was on a big holiday. Kanchana 3 couldn’t have come at a better time and it was a fun film to do.”
Vedhika was part of the franchise’s first film Muni , which released in 2007. She is excited about returning to the franchise after a decade.
Talking about her experience working with Raghava Lawrence, she said, “When I did Muni, I was very young and didn’t know anything about filmmaking. Back then, Lawrence master was very popular for his dance-based films. I thought I was being called for another dance film, but when I heard the story, I thought this was something new.”
She added, “It was a story was about a hero who is generally afraid. It was a character I could relate to so much because I get easily scared in real life. When Lawrence master again called me after so many years and said we should do this film, I thought it would be a great addition to my filmography.”