Actor Ram Charan who last appeared on the magnum opus RRR is now all set to reunite and work together with filmmaker Sukumar for a fresh project. In a video, director SS Rajamouli is heard quoting on the social media that Ram Charan had wind up with the sequence of his project worth Sukumar and its worth the hype.
In the clip, Rajamouli talks about the opening sequence of the film, a minor portion shot by the actor. “I know the opening sequence of Sukumar and Charan’s film. Obviously, I’m not going to reveal it as Sukumar could have a heart attack. But that would be most hard-hitting and the audience would quiver in their seats,” Rajamouli said.
On the other hand, Ram Charan’s first ever project with Shankar is now dubbed as RC 15. The music for the action-thriller film will be composed by SS Thaman. Along with Ram Charan, Kiara Advani will be paired making it the latter’s third Telugu project after Bharat Ane Nenu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama.