Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol’s video is taking the internet by storm. In this video, he can be seen rapping. The video belongs to his childhood friend Yash Dongre’s wedding. Yash who is the son of famous Bollywood fashion designer Anita Dongre gets married to Benisha Kharas. In this wedding, Karan gave a traditional speech in a rap style.
First of all, he congratulated Yash and Benisha. Then he said that Yash is not just his friend but he is like a brother. The video of this rap made at the wedding shared by Karan himself on social media. After listening to his rap people presented there started laughing. Watch the video below:
On a professional front, Karan Deol is all set to hit the silver screen with his upcoming film Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas. The film is also starring Saher Bamba in the leading role. She belongs to beautiful valleys of Hiachap Pradesh. It is Sunny Deol’s home production film and is directed himself. The film is set to release on July 19, 2019.