Sunny Leone is homebound like many other Bollywood actors due to coronavirus lockdown but she definitely knows to impress her fans on social media. Sunny has shared some amazing pictures in her own bikini for her fans. Wearing a blue two-piece bikini, Sunny is seen posing for the camera. Her open hair and red lips are pleasing her fans. Sharing the beautiful pictures, Sunny wrote, ’12th day heat !!!!! Isn’t it worth loving !!!!
During the lockdown, Sunny keeps sharing pictures and videos of her children too. She previously told IANS that she is currently focusing on her children. She is homeschooling them and letting them learn new things at home. She also said that she is doing a lot of creative work to keep her busy during the lockdown. Meanwhile, on the work front, she is currently busy with her chat show on social media.
Sunny Leone has worked in many Bollywood films. She has also done special numbers in many films. Sunny’s special numbers have been a big hit. Leone is also famous for her posts on social media. And shares the video. Sunny Leone also did a special number in Shahrukh Khan’s film Raees. Apart from this, she has also worked in the film with Randeep Hooda.
Also, read Arjun Kapoor Gone Bald Amid Lockdown