Superstar Rajnikanth is bracing up for his next film Jailer, however in line with his professional update, the star has also signed a new project with Lyca Productions. According to reports, Subhaskaran from the productions Rajinikanth visited at his residence and signed two film contracts. It has been reported that the names of both the projects will be released by November 5.
It was also estimated that Cibi Chakravarthi has signed with the star, alongwith Sivakarthikeyan.
Moreover, there have been speculations that Rajnikanth has also signed a film with filmmaker Mani Ratnam. Interestingly, the actor-director duo have a favorable terms with Lyca Productions. Recently, Ratnam directorial Ponniyin Selvan was made in association with the production house.
For now, Rajinikanth is about to wind up with the shoot of Jailer, helmed by Nelson Dilipkumar.