As most of the starkids are all set to join the Bollywood, one of them is Karan Deol. He is the son and grandson of superstars of his times, Sunny Deol and Dharmendra respectively. He is making his Bollywood debut with film Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas. The director of the film is none another than his father Sunny Deol.
This film’s title is taken from Dharmendra’s film Blackmail hit track Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas Tum Rehti Ho. Like his grandfather, it seems Karan is also rooted in his grounds of ethics. It is because, Karan has been taking the metro in Mumbai to reach his film’s set, which is set up in Andheri. The shoot starts early morning most days and wraps up late evening.
An inside source reveals,
“It takes less time to reach the location with metro and in morning there is no rush in the trains. The actor prefers train over a car in morning.”
To let you know, Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas is a romantic film. The lead actress of the film is Sahher Bamba from Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Apart from Manali and Mumbai, a minor portion of the film is also set in Delhi.
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