Surveen Chawla, who appeared in Netflix’s web series Sacred Games, recently reached a Netflix chat show where she has spoken on her character Jojo. Jojo’s negative role was also difficult for Surveen because she was pregnant during the shoot. Surveen recently explained why it was difficult for her to play the character of Jojo.
Recently, Surveen Chawla reached the Brand New Show, with the stars of Sacred games in Netflix’s chat show. In this chat show, all the star cast shared their experience of working in the show. Surveen said during the conversation, Jojo and I do not have any common thing, I think Jojo has a bitter and unforgiving side, It was difficult to put myself in that character as I was pregnant at that time, so it was very difficult to bring that feel and expressions because you are a happy person in pregnancy and want to live in a happy atmosphere, you need to stay away from negativity, and here I had to die drowned in negativity.
Surveen further said I was playing the character of Jojo who was a very confusing personality, and putting myself into that character was pretty difficult in those days of pregnancy. It was difficult to manage but I adopted it later on.
Later in the conversation, Surveen further told that Anurag called his husband and said that your wife is pregnant, so it would be better that she perform the makeout scene. The second part of Sacred Games has been released a few months ago.
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