In the previous 1 day, a few advancements have occurred in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. A day back, Sushant’s dad Mr. KK Singh recorded an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty and 5 others in Patna under different segments of IPC. Post this, Bihar Police came without hesitation and showed up in Mumbai to test the case. Sushant’s dad in his FIR leveled more than 16 charges against Rhea Chakraborty. From his bank exchanges by Rhea to clinical treatment, everything was addressed in the FIR by Sushant’s dad.
Presently, Sushant’s family companion in Mumbai Nilotpal Mrinal has addressed Times Now in a visit and responded to the charges leveled against Rhea. While conversing with the news channel, Sushant’s family companion called the charges against Rhea ‘valid.’ He further expressed that no state police can enlist any case without confirmation and since a FIR has been enrolled by Sushant’s dad in Bihar, he guaranteed that Rhea will have gone to the city for the test for the situation.
Sushant’s family companion told the news channel that the claims against Rhea are valid. Prior during the day it was accounted for that Rhea’s legal advisor had moved to Supreme Court to encourage them to move the examination for Sushant’s situation to Mumbai. Be that as it may, the FIR has been recorded against Rhea in Patna police headquarters in Bihar. Then, in the wake of documenting a FIR against Rhea, Sushant’s sister shared a post via web-based networking media and stated, “If truth doesn’t make a difference, nothing ever will! #justiceforsushantsinghrajput.” Further, Sushant’s previous sweetheart Ankita Lokhande shared a secretive post about ‘truth wins’ via web-based networking media, on which the late on-screen character’s sister likewise remarked.
According to the most recent reports, a group of Bihar police has arrived at Mumbai and will research the late entertainer’s case. They would be examining the bank exchanges referenced in the FIR by Sushant’s dad where he guaranteed that Rs 15 Crore has been moved by Rhea. Aside from this, the Bihar Police likewise got together with the DCP Crime today in Mumbai. Up until this point, 38 individuals including Aditya Chopra, Apoorva Mehta, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and others have been examined for Sushant’s situation. Sushant died on June 14, 2020, at his condo in Mumbai.