Sushant Singh Rajput videos has been getting viral on social media since his suicide. Sushant was a successful actor. At the age of just 34, he said goodbye to the world. The reason for why he himself took a big step like suicide has not been revealed at the moment. Meanwhile, the fans are constantly demanding a CBI inquiry for Sushant. Recently several people held a peaceful digital candle march demanding justice for him.
Today we are going to show you such a video of Sushant which you will be forced to believe that he was a down to earth person. Actually, a video of Sushant is being liked very much on the internet these days. This video is of winter. In it, Sushant is sitting on a small stall and enjoying a cup of tea.
During this, Sushant is seen wearing a black hoodie. His face remains hidden because of the cap. However, while making the video, Sushant show his face for a while. Later he wear cap again so that no one recognizes him there.
Sushant was a cool and cheerful human being. He was always in the mood of fun. Now take this other video of him. In this, he is seen going for boarding the flight. During this time, he is repeatedly giving funny expressions of his Mood.