According to the latest news, Sushant Singh Rajput’s fans have demanded a wax statue at Madame Tussaud’s London. And so far 50 thousand petitions have been signed-in favor of this.
The tragic death of Sushant Singh Rajput will be remembered by everyone. As the sudden demise of the actor gave shock waves to numerous people. After his death, the leading large scale social media protests against nepotism started. Not only this, but there is also a campaign going on that is justice for SSR. Now as per the latest information. There are reports that SSR after whom the celestial bodies were named earlier is in the discussion about his statue. The people are now demanding to install his wax statue at Madame Tussauds London.
It is being told that in the recent online petition launched on the fans have demanded to install his statue and so far a whopping number of 50 Thousand petitions has been signed in favor of this. One petitioner said that Sushant’s death mystery should not be the only way to remember him ” the petitioner wrote. “Sign my petition asking for his wax model to be added to the Bollywood fraternity at Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London. We will all miss him but let’s keep the memory of his work alive!”
The demands for the petition arose while the investigations are still going on in connection to his death case. The people are continuously demanding a CBI probe. So that the actual reason for his death could come up and the culprits should be punished. Coming back to Sushant wax statue demand let us make you aware that this is not the first time the demand for the installation of his wax statue surfaced. But earlier Other petitions by fans like Tanny Singh have also demanded a statue of the actor to be placed at the wax museum.
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