It’s been more than a month since the suicide of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. After this, the late actor’s father Krishna Kumar has lodged an FIR against actress Rhea Chakraborty and her family and made many accusations against her.
Rhea called Sushant’s sister Mitu on June 8
According to a Times Now report, Sushant’s sister Mitu has revealed in her statement that on June 8, Rhea called her and told that she had a fight with Sushant. The fight between the two was huge due to which Sushant’s sister Mitu went to Sushant’s house. Mitu told the Bihar police that Rhea had left the house where Sushant lived. According to the report, after this, Mitu went to live with him for four days. After staying with his brother for four days, on June 12, Mitu had to return to her home with children.
After this Sushant’s friend Siddharth Patani called Mitu and told that Sushant was not opening the door. At the same time, Mitu also said that she was making frequent calls to Sushant but he was not picking up the phone. After this she reached Sushant’s house and the door of his house was opened.
About 45 days after Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide, his father Krishna Kumar Singh lodged an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty and her family and made several serious allegations against her. He alleges that Rhea had befriended Sushant under a well-planned conspiracy to use his contacts in Bollywood. She has also been accused of transferring Rs 15 crore from Sushant’s account.
Also read Rhea Chakraborty Accused Of Doing Black Magic By Sushant’s Sister Mitu