Today has been 2 months since the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. On 14 June, Sushant Singh Rajput allegedly committed suicide in his apartment in Mumbai. However, till now his fans are not able to accept how such a lively and happy person can commit suicide.
After the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, his sister Shweta Singh Kirti is continuously demanding for justice. A CBI inquiry is also being demanded by her. As part of the campaign to bring justice to her brother, a global prayer meet has been organized on August 15 for Sushant by Shweta.
Shweta has appealed to all people to be a part of this prayer meet. Shweta has written that I request all of you to join us in the 24-hour Global Spiritual and Prayer Observation organized for Sushant. This is necessary to bring justice to Sushant. On the day of Independence Day i.e. on 15 August, the Global Prayer Meet is going to be held at 10 am. During this time, everyone will hold silence and pray for Sushant.
Shweta also shared a video earlier. In this, she was heard saying that I am Shweta Singh Kirti, sister of Sushant Singh Rajput. I request all the people that for Sushant all of us together should demand a CBI inquiry. We all have the right to know the truth. The whole world is trying to know what is the truth. Otherwise, we will not be able to live in peace. Have a look: