Sushmita Sen, the 43 years old actress made many hearts beat for her. She became Miss Universe in 1994 and made India proud. In 2018, in October she grabbed headlines for dating a 27 years old model Rohman Shawl. The couple shares a huge age gap of 16 years, Sushmita is 43 whereas Rohman is 27 years old. Now, the two have accepted their relationship publicly.
According to the latest reports, the duo is set to take their relationship to the next level. Yes, if reports are to be believed, Sushmita Sen and her boyfriend Rohman Shawl have started living in together. Inside sources have revealed that Rohman has moved in with Sushmita in their Bandra Apartment.
To let you know, Rohman Shawl is a model. He met Sushmita at a Mumbai fashion event in August and instantly hit it off. Since then, the two have kept in touch. It is not wrong to say that Sushmita is in her happy space.
On the professional front, Sushmita has been part of many successful films and she has also judged reality shows. She walks on fashion ramps as often.