Swati Mishra came to the light when she repeatedly banged her car into a parked vehicle in Ramnagar area of Pune. The video of the incident went viral on social media. When police investigated her she threatened to strip and used an objectionable language. Swati Mishra hit a nano car in front of her house. Not only this, she also hit three other vehicles. She did it deliberately. It is being told that Swati was in a state of intoxication. The entire matter is being reported from Pune’s Ramnagar area.
This entire incident was captured in CCTV cameras after which her video went viral on social media. The woman not only hit the vehicles, but also abused police and army personnel. Swati Mishra is married also has a 9-year-old son.
The video of this incident (Pune Girl Swati Mishra Video) is becoming fiercely viral on social media. In this video, it can be seen and heard clearly how Swati is misbehaving with the policeman and army personnel. The woman bombarded policemen and army personnel with abuses. Not only this, the woman threatened to remove her clothes publicly.
It is being told that when Swati hit the vehicles, people tried to stop her. After which she fiercely created a ruckus. After this, the police was informed. When the policemen came to investigate Swati, she ill-treated them ann abused them.
Her Facebook profile was also found after she got viral. From her profile it seems that Swati is married and is a mother.