On Tuesday, streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar released the official trailer of Taaza Khabar featuring Bhuvan Bam. In the trailer, YouTube sensation Bhuvan, was introduced as the “Mumbai ka King, Wadala ka Wolf, Thane ka Tiger, Chembur ka Cheetah”– Vasant Gawde.
In the trailer, Bhuvan is portrayed in the role of a sanitation worker, he spends much time daydreaming and visualizing of being rich and successful. One day, miraculously he gets the ticket to become rich and successful. This helps him predict his ways and change his future.
In a scene, when Shriya Pilgaonkar asks him from the running taxi’s window that where they are heading to, Bhuvan replies, “Aukaat ke bahar” (way beyond our limits).” The trailer wraps up with his him saying, “Samajh nhi aarha, ye vardaan he ya shraap?” (I don’t know whether this is a boon or a curse)?”
Taaza Khabar is touted as a roller coaster of emotions, comedy, romance, action and drama, one that is a complete package. Helmed by Himank Gaur, and produced by Rohit Raj & Bhuvan Bam under the banner BB Ki Vines productions, the show presents a modern-day tale that dismantles the boons and banes of miracles.
Speaking about the show, the actor-YouTuber said, , “Taaza Khabar is a complete entertainer with elements of action, drama and romance. The show captures the ups and downs of human wishes and wants. This is also my digital debut with Disney+ Hotstar, which is a special feeling in itself and the love I have received for this is unimaginable, especially from my co-stars. Everyone on set was an expert at their job but it was a first for me and I’m thankful for all the relationships I cultivated on set. We have worked with all our hearts to bring this story to life and all I can say is viewers can expect anything and everything from this show.”
The series will be out on January 6, featuring Shriya Pilgaonkar, Mahesh Manjrekar, JD Chakravarthy, Deven Bhojani, Shilpa Shukla, Prathmesh Parab and Nitya Mathur.