Kareena Kapoor Khan son Taimur turned 4 today. And on this occasion for her little munchkin, she shared an adorable post that was quite adorable and heart-warming. She also made a special announcement. Read to know what’s that.
Said and Kareena’s son is celebrating his birthday on 20th December and now as the star kid has turned 4. And therefore social media is flooded with birthday wishes and love for the little nawab on his special day. No wonder it’s a special day for Taimur’s mum Kareena also. As she took to Instagram to post an adorable picture of her little munchkin and captioned it with oh-so-adorable lines. Her post read “My child… I’m happy at four you have such determination, dedication, and focus on what you want to do… which is now picking up the haystack and feeding the cow… God bless you my hardworking boy… but on the way, don’t forget to taste the snow, pluck flowers, jump up and down, climb trees and of course eat all your cake…”She added, “Chase your dreams and keep your chin up my boy… but above all else… do everything in your life that makes you smile. No one can or ever will love you more than your Amma. Happy Birthday, Son… My Tim.”
There is no doubt that Kareena’s son is quite adorable and that’s the reason why he grabs attention with his cute tactics every time he steps out in the public eye. And that’s how he is looking in the picture posted by Kareena. Holding the hay in his hands the star kid is looking as lovable as always. On his birthday even Aunt Karisma Kapoor couldn’t stop herself to wish her nephew. She too shared a cute birthday wish for her nephew ‘Tim’ on her Instagram story early this morning that read “Happy birthday to my jaan Tim #ourboys,”
Check out the post for her son below:
On the occasion of Taimur’s birthday. Bebo also made an interesting announcement about her book ‘Pregnancy Bible.’ As it was a perfect occasion for her to announce this news. And Kareena who is soon going to be the mum of her second child took to social media and wrote, “Today is the perfect day to announce my book- Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible for all you moms-to-be. I’ll talk about everything from morning sickness to diet and fitness and being a mom-on-the-go! I can’t wait for you to read it. To be published by Juggernaut Books in 2021.”
A look into Kareena’s Post:
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