Recently, it created a lot of stir when actor Kamal Haasan’s younger daughter Akshara Haasan’s private photos went viral on the internet. In the pictures, the actress can be seen wearing inner wears only. The disturbed actress who made her Bollywood debut in ‘Shamitabh’ opposite Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush, has spoken up on the matter revealing she is unaware of how they got leaked online from her mobile phone.
Tagging Mumbai police and cyber crime cell, she wrote in the long note,
@MumbaiPolice @Cybercellindia
— Akshara Haasan (@Iaksharahaasan) November 7, 2018
But now according to the latest reports, veteran actress Rati Agnihotri’s son, Tanuj Virwani who was also Akshara’s ex-boyfriend, has come out as a suspect in the matter. Mumbai Police may soon call him to investigate the matter in detail. The couple was together in 2016. On the matter, Tanuj has said that,
“Akshara was using an iPhone 6 till 2013, which had the photos. Prima facie investigation has revealed the photos were shared with Tanuj in 2013. He may be summoned for questioning.”
To let you know, Akshara is the younger daughter of Kamal Haasan and his ex-wife, Sarika Thakur. Her elder sister Shruti is also an actress. Akshara has featured in Hindi films like Shamitabh and Laali Ki Shaadi Mein Laddoo Deewana. She is a famous actress of the South Indian cinema. Whereas Tanuj Virwani is a son of veteran actor Rati Agnihotri, he debuted in Bollywood in 2013 with film Luv U Soniyo and he was last seen in web-series Inside Edge.