The series, composed and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and produced by Himanshu Kishan Mehra and Ali Abbas Zafar, features among the cast of top actors in this 9-part series: Saif Ali Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Tigmanshu Dhulia and Sunil Grover 2020’s stunning content line- After Up The Amazon Prime Video is fully ready for entry in 2021 with the Amazon original series ‘Tandav’ which is an interesting political drama.
Tandav teaser released
‘Tandav’ is composed and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar
Aparna Purohit, head of Indian origin of Amazon Prime Video, said, “With the entry in 2021, we are very excited to introduce our first political drama, Tandav, which is a deep exploration of power and it highlights that behind the power To what extent can people go? Under the direction of Ali Abbas Zafar and with an impressive cast that features Saif, Dimple, Sunil and Zishan who will be seen in a unique avatar, we believe this series will be special for anyone looking for a subject that is entertaining. Be interesting as well. ‘
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